
Need and Reasons for the Development of Performance Measures and Evaluation for the Relm of Environment Management in Indian Industries

International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES), 4 (5): 1-3 (March 2017)


Environmental management is management of those activities of a firm that have or can have an impact on the environment. The manufacture of products involves extracting raw materials from the environment and processing them to produce saleable items. As a result of the production process, various forms of waste (solid, liquid and gaseous) enter the environment. The activities surrounding the manufacturing process - such as maintenance of plant and infrastructure and the packaging and transport of goods all have environmental impacts. In addition, the products that are produced will eventually be disposed of and enter the environment as waste simply the environment acts as a source of raw material inputs to the industrial process and as a sink for its waste outputs. This relationship between Environmental management means different things to different people. Generally the focus is on environmental impacts and ways they can be minimized. The scope of the activities, resources or area that we aim to improve environmentally varies considerably



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