
Assortative mating in a mixed population of European Honeybees, <i>Apis mellifera ligustica</i> and <i>Apis mellifera carnica</i>

, , , , and .
Insectes Sociaux, 36 (2): 129--138 (Jun 1, 1989)
DOI: 10.1007/BF02225908


The drone population at a natural drone congregation area (DCA) was composed of 50\%Apis mellifera ligustica (L) and 50\%Apis mellifera carnica (C) drones. Both kind of drones were monitored by frequent sampling. Significant differences in the vertical drone distribution were detected: at 4 meters the portion of L drones was larger and C drones were relatively more frequent in 20 meters. Virgin queens (L and C) were naturally mated in the DCA and mating frequencies for L and C drones were established. Their worker offspring was classified as pure Ls. pure Cs or hybrids. A significant tendency for assortative mating was found for both groups of queens. One of the mechanisms of mate choice may involve the differences in vertical distribution of the drones.



  • @zoologieii

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