
Critical Exponents for the percolation of cement paste with the SPACE model

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


We compute the critical exponents for the percolation transition of the Hidrated Calcium Sulfate (CSH) gel of the the cement paste by using the SPACE hidration model 1. In this three-dimensional model, the hydration centers of tricalcium sulfate (C3S) are taken at the beginning as non-intersecting polydisperse spheres obeying a Washburn distribution. Later, this spheres grow according to specific hydration equations that reproduce actual experimental hydration curves. With this model, we investigate the critical volume and the percolation critical exponents for different water/cement ratios of the initial configuration. The values we obtain for the critical exponents significantly differ from those for the percolation of monodisperse spheres in three dimensions 2. Moreover, we found that those exponents changes for different initial water/cement ratios, i.e. that the geometric properties of the percolating cluster strongly depend on such initial ratio. This suggests us that differences on many bulk properties that depend on the water/cement ratio, like the elastic moduli, may have a geometric basis, and this will be subject of a future work. This result is very intersting for the cement industry and constitutes a new step on the understandig of bulk properties from the microscopic structure. References:\\ 1) M. Stroeven, PhD Thesis. Delft University of Technology (1999).\\ 2) M. D. Rintoul and S. Torquato, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 30 (1997).


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