
Matching QCD and HQET heavy&\#45;&\#45;light currents at two loops and beyond

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Physical Review D, 52 (7): 4082--4098 (Oct 7, 1994)
DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.52.4082


Heavy--light QCD currents are matched with HQET currents at two loops and leading order in \$1/m\$. A single formula applies to all current matchings. As a by--product, a master formula for the two--loop anomalous dimension of the QCD current \$q\gamma^\mu\_1łdots\gamma^\mu\_nq\$ is obtained, yielding a new result for the tensor current. The dependence of matching coefficients on \$\gamma\_5\$ prescriptions is elucidated. Ratios of QCD matrix elements are obtained, independently of the three--loop anomalous dimension of HQET currents. The two--loop coefficient in \$f\_B^*/f\_B =1-2\alpha\_\rm s(m\_b)/3\pi-K\_b\alpha\_s^2/\pi^2 +O(\alpha\_s^3,1/m\_b)\$ is \K\_b=8312+481\pi^2+227\pi^2łog2-\frac19\zeta(3) -1954N\_l+\Delta\_c=6.37+\Delta\_c\ with \$N\_l=4\$ light flavours, and a correction, \$\Delta\_c=0.18\pm0.01\$, that takes account of the non--zero ratio \$m\_c/m\_b=0.28\pm0.03\$. Fastest apparent convergence would entail \$\alpha\_\rm s(\mu)\$ at \$\mu=370\$\~MeV. ``Naive non--abelianization'' of large--\$N\_l\$ results, via \$N\_lN\_l-332\$, gives reasonable approximations to exact two--loop results. All--order results for anomalous dimensions and matching coefficients are obtained at large \$\beta\_0=11-\frac23N\_l\$. Consistent cancellation between infrared-- and ultraviolet--renormalon ambiguities is demonstrated.



  • @cmcneile

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