
Viscosity of concentrated aqueous electrolyte solutions

, and .
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 74 (5): 1056-1061 (1970)
DOI: 10.1021/j100700a015


The viscosities of concentrated aqueous electrolytic solutions have been correlated by use of an equation,developed by Thomas, for the viscosities of concentrated suspensions of macroscopic spheres. The Thomasequation, q/qo = 1 f 2.54 + 10.0542, where 7/70 is the relative viscosity and 4 is the particle volume fraction,is a truncated form of a seventh-order regression which has been shown effective for 4 < 0.25. For ionic particles,4 is related to an “effective�? rigid volume by I‘, = 4/c, where c is the salt concentration; Ve is obtaineddirectly from viscosity measurements and is shown to be relatively concentration independent. Analysis ofviscosity data for 72 salts in aqueous solution results in an additional correlation of 8, with the Jones-Dole Bcoefficient from which viscosities of concentrated aqueous salt solutio_ns can be estimated. For univalent salts,B = 2.907. - 0.018; for salts involving a multivalent ion, B = 6.06V, - 0.041. The difference between thesetwo correlations is attributed to the differences in hydrodynamic effects and ion-solvent interaction.



  • @thorade

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