
Multimodal Biometric Authentication : Secured Encryption of IRIS Using Fingerprint ID

International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS), 6 (3/4): 1-8 (December 2016)


Securing data storage using biometrics is the current trend. Different physiological as well as behavioral biometrics like face, fingerprint, iris, Gait, voice etc.. is used in providing security to the data. The proposed work explains about the biometric encryption technology which will securely generate a digital key using two biometric modalities. Iris is encrypted using Fingerprint ID of 32-bit as the key in this work. For encryption Blowfish algorithm is used and the encrypted template is stored in the database and one is given to the user. During the authentication time user input the template and the fingerprint. This template is then decrypted and verified with the original template taken from the database to check whether the user is genuine or an imposter. Hamming distance is used to measure the matching of the templates. CASIA Iris database is used for experimentation and fingerprint images read through the R303 - fingerprint reader



  • @alinta

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