
A study to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding uses of umbilical cord blood storage among antenatal mothers in selected rural areas at Tumkur district with a view to develop an information booklet

World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 12 (1): 103–110 (октября 2022)
DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2022.12.1.0155


Abstract: A Child is emotionally, physically bond to mother from the period of conception. The fetus receives its nutrition for survival from mother through the umbilical cord. The placenta which is attached to uterus supplies the essential nutrients to fetus for its growth and development. Umbilical cord is a bridge between both mother and fetus. Objectives: The objectives of the study are to assess the knowledge regarding uses of umbilical cord blood storage among antenatal mothers in selected rural areas andto assess the attitude regarding uses of cord blood storage among antenatal mothers in selected rural areas and find out the co-relation between knowledge and attitude onuses of umbilical cord blood storage among antenatal mothers in selected rural areas however to find out an association between the level of knowledge onuses of umbilical cord blood storage with selected demographic variables and finally find out an association between the level of attitude onuses of umbilical cord blood storage with selected demographic variables. Methodology: A descriptive co- relational approach was adopted for the study. Non probability convenient sampling technique were used for the collection of data with Structured questionnaire for knowledge assessment and 3 point Likert’s scale for attitude evaluation were used for the data collection from 100 antenatal mothers at selected rural areas of Tumkur District. Result: Result of the study reveal that the frequency and percentage distribution of demographic variables of the antenatal mothers regarding age, most of the mothers belongs to 26-30 years,53%,almost 60 (60%) of mothers are Hindus, 87 (87%) of mothers had higher seconder education,66 (66%) of were house wives,69 (69%) were belongs to nuclear family,81(81%) mothers income were ranging from 5001-10000, in relation to type of house 80(80%)of mothers were living in pucca house and majority of antenatal mothers 70(70%)were got information from professional health workers. Regarding level of knowledge of antenatal mothers, in which majority of antenatal mothers72(72.0%) are having inadequate knowledge, 28 (28.0%) were found to have moderately adequate, and 00 (0.0%) of them had adequate knowledge regarding uses of umbilical cord blood storage. The present study shows that the highest Mean score of antenatal mothers is 3.86 with SD of 1.55 and Mean percentage score was 48.25% obtained for knowledge on utilization and importance of umbilical cord blood storage. The lowest Mean score of subjects was 0.51 with SD 0.59 and Mean percentage score was 25.5% for knowledge on misbelieves and side effects on uses of umbilical cord blood storage and stem cell transplantation. In the aspect of collection and storage of umbilical cord blood storage the mean knowledge was 3.31 with SD of 1.48 and mean Percentage score was 36.77%. In the aspect of definition and indications on uses of cord blood storage the mean was 3.11 with SD of 0.96 and mean percentage score was 51.33. The overall Mean and SD of subjects is 10.79 with SD 2.85, and the Mean percentage score of subjects for overall knowledge is 43.16. This indicates that the antenatal mothers have inadequate knowledge regarding definition, indications, collection, storage importance, utilization and misbelieves and side effects of umbilical cord blood storage and stem cell transplantation 89 (89.0%) of antenatal mothers were having favorable level of attitude, 11 (11%) were having moderately favorable attitude and no one were found to have unfavorable attitude regarding uses of umbilical cord blood storage. The mean percentage of overall attitude levels 82.86% with mean 29.83 and SD 1.88. Correlation coefficient computed between the overall Mean knowledge and overall Mean attitude of antenatal mothers as r = -0.18 which was found to be not significant at p<0.05 level hence it suggest that there is anegative correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding uses of umbilical cord blood storage among antenatal mothers. In relation to religion and occupation the chi-square value obtained was χ2 =5.94, df=1 and χ2 = 11.43, df=3 respectively which showed significance at p<0.05 level. In relation to variables such as age, educational status, type of family, monthly income type of house and source of previous information on uses of cord storage, the chi-square values obtained was χ2=5.4, χ2=5.94, χ2=0.10, χ2=0.67, χ2=2.79 and χ2=1.23 respectively which does not show any association with level of knowledge. shows the association between selected demographic variables such as Age, Religion, Educational status, occupation of the mother, family, monthly income, type of house and source of previous information onuses of cord storage. In relation to occupation and type of house the chi-square value obtained was χ2=10.74, df=3 and χ2=7.49, df=2 respectively which showed significance at p<0.05 level. There is no statistical significant association between Age, Religion, Educational status, type of family, monthly income, and source of previous information with attitude regarding uses of umbilical cord blood storage. Conclusion: The conclusion drawn from the study includes, the findings of present study revealed that regarding uses of umbilical cord blood storage, 72(72.0%) were having inadequate knowledge, 28 (28.0%) were found to have moderately adequate, and 00 (0.0%) of them had adequate knowledge regarding uses of umbilical cord blood storage. The overall Mean and SD of subjects is 10.79 with SD 2.85, and the Mean percentage score of subjects for overall knowledge is 43.16.In relation to the attitude of the samples, 89 (89.0%) antenatal mothers were having favorable level of attitude, 11 (11%) were having moderately favorable attitude and no one were found to have unfavorable attitude regarding uses of umbilical cord blood storage. The mean percentage of overall attitude levels was 82.86% with mean 29.83 and SD 1.88. The correlation coefficient computed between the overall Mean knowledge and overall Mean attitude of antenatal mothers as r = -0.18 which was found to be not significant at p<0.05 level hence it suggest that there is a negative correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding ses of cord storage among antenatal mothers. The obtained chi-square value shown that there was significant association between the level of knowledge with religion χ2 =5.94, df=1 and occupation χ2 = 11.43, df=3. at p<0.05 level. There was significant association between attitude and occupation χ2=10.74, df=3 and type of houseχ2=7.49, df=2 respectively which showed significance at p<0.05 level.


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