
Provider-Neutral E-Monograph Record Task Group Report

(December 2008)


The Provider-Neutral E-Monograph Record Task Group was formed shortly after the 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Library Association. The group's charge was to develop a monographic cataloging policy that would provide for a single electronic MARC bibliographic record to represent an online resource that is available from one or more providers. This proposal is only concerned with separate MARC records for the electronic resource-- it does not address the addition of electronic fields to the print record, otherwise known as the "Single Record Approach." The proposal is intended to encompass records for monographic titles which are simultaneously issued in print and online, digital reproductions of print resources, and born-digital resources. All e-monographic resources cataloged on OCLC should follow the Provider-Neutral (P-N) model from Day One, even if the resource is available from only one provider at the time of cataloging. E-monograph records created by the DLF Registry of Digital Masters should be combined with records from other providers onto the one P-N e-monograph record. Separate records may be created at the national level, whenever the cataloger determines that the content of a new digital manifestation is significantly different. Catalogers are also free to use the Single-Record Approach, at both the national and local levels.



  • @paregorios

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