
Brand Revitalisation '“ Focusing on Renovating Offerings

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2 (4): 2572-2576 (June 2018)


Brand on the comeback trail needs revolutionary changes rather than evolutionary changes. Brands most likely to respond to revitalisation efforts are those that have clear and relevant values that have been left dormant for a long time. Brand revitalization is a process, which is often necessary when the brand's offer of products as well as associated attention from consumers decline. Even so, the core of a brand needs to be clearly defined, in order for brand revitalization to be successfully implemented. Marketing managers need to be able to recognize the acute, as well as the latent signs of brand aging, and need to implement brand revitalization elements and strategies that are most suitable for a certain brand. This article focuses on identifying the factors affecting brand revitalization and suggests possible renovative offerings for successful brands. Dr. Jugunu R Nair | Mrs. Saranya B Sasi"Brand Revitalisation '“ Focusing on Renovating Offerings" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-4 , June 2018, URL:'“-focusing-on-renovating-offerings/dr-jugunu-r-nair



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