
Representacão e Agregacão de Conteúdos em Repositório Semântico de Objetos de Aprendizagem

PPGEE/UFMA, (Juni 2007)


The education mediated by technology is a tool used in academic and corporative environments. With advance of the Web, diverse environments of teaching and learning make possible the production and distribution of multimedia contents for the use of learners and teachers. However the contents access still is one of the main problems for the use and sharing between different applications. The document representation in Semantic Web is related to the use of metadata to describe resources. In Web-based education, diverses standards have been considered to provide sharing learning resources in distributed form. One believes that ontology use allows one better conceptualization and domain representation, making possible the formalization of the metadata schema for learning object management. One presents an Aggregation and Representation Content Model for conceptualization of a Semantic Learning Object Repository. TheAggregation Model makes use of standard LOM (Learning Object Metadata) to describe and add educational contents. The Content Representation Model is a Classification Schema based on SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organisation Systems) standard destined the specification of knowledge organisation systems in the Semantics Web. It was use OWL language (Web Ontology Language) for ontology construction and framework Jena for manipulation of the ontological model. In such a way, it argues concepts associates the educational technologies, perspectives and challenges for knowledge representation on the Web, and for the development of new generation of the Web.



  • @roos

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