
Is AI in Jeopardy? The Need to Under Promise and Over Deliver - The Case for Really Useful Machine Learning

Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT), 7 (4): 59-70 (March 2017)


There has been a dramatic increase in media interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI), in particular with regards to the promises and potential pitfalls of ongoing research, development and deployments. Recent news of success and failures are discussed. The existential opportunities and threats of extreme goals of AI (expressed in terms of Superintelligence/AGI and SocioEconomic impacts) are examined with regards to this media “frenzy”, and some comment and analysis provided. The application of the paper is in two parts, namely to first provide a review of this media coverage, and secondly to recommend project naming in AI with precise and realistic short term goals of achieving really useful machines, with specific smart components. An example of this is provided, namely the RUMLSM project, a novel AI/Machine Learning system proposed to resolve some of the known issues in bottom-up Deep Learning by Neural Networks, recognised by DARPA as the “Third Wave of AI.” An extensive, and up to date at the time of writing, Internet accessible reference set of supporting media articles is provided.



  • @laimbee

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