
Ramblin' on my mind: New perspectives on the blues

African American music in global perspective University of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL, USA, (2008)


The following contributions are cited separately in RILM: Lynn ABBOTT, Doug SEROFF, "They cert'ly sound good to me": Sheet music, Southern vaudeville, and the commercial ascendancy of the blues (RILM 2008-435); James BENNIGHOF, Some ramblings on Robert Johnson's mind: Critical analysis and aesthetic value in Delta blues (RILM 2008-444); Katharine CARTWRIGHT, "Guess these people wonder what I'm singing": Quotation and reference in Ella Fitzgerald's "St. Louis blues" (RILM 2008-445); Andrew M. COHEN, The hands of blues guitarists (RILM 2008-441); David EVANS, From Bumble Bee Slim to Black Boy Shine: Nicknames of blues singers (RILM 2008-442); Bob GROOM, Beyond the mushroom cloud: A decade of disillusion in black blues and gospel song (RILM 2008-446); Elliott S. HURWITT, Abbe Niles, blues advocate (RILM 2008-440); Gerhard KUBIK, Bourdon, blue notes, and pentatonism in the blues: An Africanist perspective (RILM 2008-433); John MINTON, Houston creoles and zydeco: The emergence of an African American urban popular style (RILM 2008-447); Luigi MONGE, Preachin' the blues: A textual linguistic analysis of Son House's "Dry spell blues" (RILM 2008-443).


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