
The European Nutrigenomics Organisation: linking genomics, nutrition and health research

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Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, (2007)


Abstract: The science of nutrigenomics allows us to consider not only the response of our genes, proteins and metabolism to diet but also life-stage and lifestyle. Public health messages are failing to change people’s behaviour and to counteract the flashy advertising promoting cheap nutritionally-empty foods. Proponents suggest that using the information supplied by nutrigenomics to develop personalised diet and lifestyle regimens would enable consumers to make healthier choices for themselves. For some this will mean accessing new food products and genetic testing but for others it will mean better dietary advice that can be applied in their situation. Opponents argue that this approach merely panders to the worried-wealthy-well – those least in need of intervention because they are already diet and health conscious – and that nutrigenomics fails to address the real issues associated with diet-related disease. Is nutrigenomics another over-hyped science, which will ultimately disappoint, or is it an ideal tool for nutrition research?



  • @huiyangsfsu

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