PhD thesis,

La eponimia en el lenguaje científico: razones de su existencia y principales problemas que plantea

Universidad de Salamanca, Trabajo Fin de Grado, (2012)


Eponyms have been part of language since time immemorial, and they are particularly abundant in specialized languages. In order to offer a broad view of the place of eponyms in scientific language, we will focus on four domains: medicine, chemistry, mathematics and economics. Basing our arguments on Robert K. Merton's work on the role that eponyms play in the recognition system of science as a social institution, we will analyze whether eponyms accurately reflect the historical reality of 4 scientific discoveries. All this has a relevant impact in translation, as eponymic fights over priority of discoveries among nations have given way to a wide eponymic variation which does not follow any logic, a fact that represents a problem for translators.



  • @loredana.apan

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