
First-principle approach to coarse-grain polymer melts into liquids of interacting soft-colloidal particles, and its application to dynamics and to multiscale modeling

Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


We propose a theoretical approach to coarse-grain macromolecular liquids at the center-of-mass level. From the Ornstein-Zernike equation we derive an analytical solution of the coarse-grained total correlation function for liquids of macromolecules represented as soft interacting colloidal particles.($1$) By adopting a hypernetted-chain closure approximation we derive the effective potential between two coarse-grained polymers, which is input to mesoscale simulations of the coarse-grained homopolymer liquid. The analytical solution shows a remarkable agreement with united atom simulations and with mesoscale simulations of the coarse-grained liquid. The approach is further extended to include liquids of diblock-copolymers, and polymer mixtures, in the range from athermal regime to the phase transition.($2$) The potential of mean force derived from the coarse-grained total correlation function, is input to our Langevin equation for cooperative dynamics.($3$) This mean-field theory describes the effect of intermolecular potential in the diffusion of a group of interacting polymer molecules in the liquid. Intermolecular interactions modify the dynamics of polymers, generating a sub-diffusive dynamics of the polymer center-of-mass for lengthscales smaller than the range of the intermolecular potential. Theoretical predictions are in quantitative agreement with simulations and scattering experiments. As a final application of our coarse-graining approach we present a simple procedure for multiscale modeling. ($4$) 1) G. Yatsenko, E. J. Sambriski, M. A. Nemirovskaya, M. G. Guenza Phys. Rev. Lett. $93$, $257803$ ($2004$). 2) G. Yatsenko, E. J. Sambriski, M. G. Guenza J. Chem. Phys. $122$, $054907$ ($2005$). 3) M. G. Guenza Phys. Rev. Lett. $88$, $0259901$ ($2002$). 4) I. Lyubimov, P. Debnath, M. G. Guenza (in preparation).



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