
A Unique View of AGN-Driven Molecular Outflows: The Discovery of a Massive Galaxy Counterpart to a $z=2.4$ High-Metallicity Damped Lyman-$\alpha$ Absorber

, , and .
(2017)cite arxiv:1703.03807Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, to be submitted to ApJ.


We report the discovery of massive $łog(M/M_ødot)=10.74^+0.18_-0.16$ galaxy at the same redshift as a carbon-monoxide bearing sub-damped Lyman $\alpha$ absorber (sub-DLA) seen in the spectrum of the QSO J1439+1117. The galaxy, J1439B, is located 4.7" from the QSO sightline, a projected distance of 38 physical kpc at $z=2.4189$, and exhibits broad optical emission lines ($\sigma_O III=303 12$ km s$^-1$) with ratios characteristic of excitation by an active galactic nucleus (AGN). The galaxy has a factor of $\sim$10 lower star formation than is typical of star-forming galaxies of the same mass and redshift. The nearby DLA is highly enriched, suggesting its galactic counterpart must be massive if it follows the $z\sim2$ mass-metallicity relationship. Metallic absorption associated with the DLA is spread over a velocity range $\Delta v > 1000$ km s$^-1$, suggesting an energetic origin. We explore the possibility that a different galaxy could be responsible for the rare absorber, and conclude it is unlikely based on imaging, integral field spectroscopy, and high-$z$ massive galaxy pair statistics. We argue that the gas seen in absorption against the QSO was likely ejected from the galaxy J1439B and therefore provides a unique observational probe of AGN feedback in the distant universe.



  • @miki

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