Indian startup ecosystem is considered as fastest growing ecosystems in the world. The success of start-up companies depends upon various factors, which includes optimum utilization of available resources. Managing customer projects efficiently and effectively by achieving project goal is the real challenge in an indian startup ecosystem.in such an environment, enterprises resource management system solution will ease the project manager to act proactively to fine tune the project plan as per the requirement. Hence a changed plan should be in place in real time and made available for all project stakeholders. Apart from this, for delivering the product or services to new customers within the agreed time frame calls for real-time solutions to position the start-up enterprises in the globally competitive marketplace. Thus enterprises resource management system implementation is considered to be the most strategic top management decision to be considered and the success of futuristic startup projects in india will definitely need an integrated software support to meet various customer challenges to emerge as a global player in the chosen area of business domain. Overall, this review paper is an attempt to survey existing literature to understand the importance of the enterprises resource planning solutions in resolving issues related to projects executed under startup ecosystem.
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