
Systemic Valuation of Banks—Interbank Equilibrium and Contagion



The aim of the chapter is to propose the new approach to valuation of individual banks which takes into account the risk of the whole interbank market network. We show that the value of the bank is equal to the value of the call option on the bank's debt which is the standard step in the valuation theory. However, the underlying value process depends on the possible interbank payments the bank expects to receive from other participants of the interbank market. In this way valuation theory originated to 4 is embedded into the systemic framework a la 6 and we are able to prove that the value of a bank should not only depend on its internal financial standing but on the ability of their interbank counterparties to repay their debts. Our model has two unique features. Firstly, we demonstrate how losses originated to the interbank exposures can be reflected into the valuations of the banks even if it is extremely difficult to estimate the default probabilities of the interbank deposits. Secondly, liquidity of the bank and marketability of the bank's counterbalancing capacity is an outcome of the interbank market equilibrium. We apply the developed theory to study the relationship between the US banking system structure and the valuations of the US banks. We solely use publicly available data: the financial statements of the US banks provided by FDIC and the stock exchange quotes.


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