
Employee Placement Strategy at Sekretariat Purworejo Regency

Central Asian Journal of Innovations on Tourism Management and Finance, 4 (1): 16-30 (Januar 2023)


The implementation of regional autonomy has the aim that each region has the authority to manage its own household. This is specifically for districts and cities. To carry out regional household affairs, the regent/mayor works with reliable human resources (HR), in this context, employees. Employees in carrying out their duties are indicators of the success of a government. Reliable HR management is one of them through the placement of employees. This research is qualitative research that describes the employee placement strategy in improving employee performance at the Regional Secretariat of Purworejo Regency (SETDA). The SWOT analysis used in this study shows that the Purworejo Regional Secretariat is in a weak position but has great opportunities. The recommended strategy that can be carried out is the implementation of e-Kinerja for performance appraisal as part of the merit system for planning needs and staffing, another thing is the procurement of budget-based office facilities and infrastructure for each field and sub-sector.



  • @centralasian_20

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