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%0 Book
%1 allemang_semantic_2008
%A Allemang, Dean
%A Hendler, Jim
%C Amsterdam ; Boston
%D 2008
%I Morgan Kaufmann Publishers/Elsevier
%K basics rdfs ontologies modeling owl ontologyengineering semanticweb
%T Semantic web for the working ontologist : effective modeling in RDF, RDFS and OWL
%@ 9780123735560
added-at = {2011-10-10T15:55:54.000+0200},
address = {Amsterdam ; Boston},
author = {Allemang, Dean and Hendler, Jim},
biburl = {},
interhash = {c001e0e2c119de28edfd5aba3007d70c},
intrahash = {e7388fc5fee7f50f173f8f7cd60c3b3e},
isbn = {9780123735560},
keywords = {basics rdfs ontologies modeling owl ontologyengineering semanticweb},
publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann {Publishers/Elsevier}},
shorttitle = {Semantic web for the working ontologist},
timestamp = {2011-10-10T15:56:46.000+0200},
title = {Semantic web for the working ontologist : effective modeling in {RDF}, {RDFS} and {OWL}},
year = 2008