Direct torque control of induction motors has achieved a quick torque response. It is very sensitive to flux estimation (magnitude and orientation). The flux estimation is affected by parameters variation. These parameters are affecting saturation, temperature, and skin effect. The mismatching between the parameters value used in the controller and those in the motor make the actual rotor flux position does not coincide with the position assumed by the controller. Any parameter mismatched in flux estimation will be detrimentally affect the torque response and then on the dynamic performance. So this paper shows the effect of mismatching in rotor reactance between the control model and the machine itself on the performance characteristics of induction motor through applying the direct torque control. The rotor reactance is chosen due to have more effect on the instantaneous slip speed. To show this effect, the mismatching case is compared to matching case and with scalar control. MATLAB program is used to simulate these cases.
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