
Copyleft: Licensing collaborative works in the digital age

Stanford law review, 49 (6): 1487 (July 1997)note: M3: Article; Heffan, Ira V.; Source Information: Jul97, Vol. 49 Issue 6, p1487; Subject Term: COPYRIGHT & electronic data processing; Subject Term: UNITED States; Number of Pages: 35p; Document Type: Article.


Investigates the impact of copyright on electronic data works in the United States. Evolution of computers and computer networks; Development of shrinkwrap license agreements; Implementation of copyleft under the General Public License; Similarities between copyleft, shrinkwrap and shareware license agreements.; Investigates the impact of copyright on electronic data works in the United States. Evolution of computers and computer networks; Development of shrinkwrap license agreements; Implementation of copyleft under the General Public License; Similarities between copyleft, shrinkwrap and shareware license agreements.



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