
Thermal Origins

, and .
chapter 17, page 221--249. Elsevier, (2015)
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-800722-8.00017-5


This chapter provides detailed examples of thermo-gravitational, thermo-capillary and thermo-solutal instabilities. When a fluid is confined and in normal Earth gravity, the fluid configuration is vertically anti-symmetric. If suddenly exposed to weightlessness, the fluid will transition to a symmetric configuration over a period of time. Thermo-capillary instabilities have been observed during sessile droplet evaporation in the absence of buoyancy-driven convection and radiation. When the droplet rests on a thermally insulating substrate, no thermo-capillary convection is measured. However, if the substrate is thermally conductive, a transition to thermo-capillary flow has been observed and the transition depends on the evapo- ration rate. When a droplet evaporates into multicomponent atmospheres, thermo- solutal instabilities arise if one of the atmosphere species has a heat of solution with the droplet component. The thermo-solutal instabilities appear as temperature and pressure pulsations in the liquid and in the vapor phases that are coupled by the evaporation flux.



  • @gdmcbain

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