
Multi-Vehicle Multi-Camera Tracking With Graph-Based Tracklet Features

, , , und .
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, (2024)
DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2023.3274369


Multi-target multi-camera tracking (MTMCT) is an important application in intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The conventional works follow the tracking-by-detection scheme and use the information of the object image separately while matching the object from different cameras. As a result, the association information from the object image is lost. To utilize this information, we propose an efficient MTMCT application that builds features in the form of a graph and customizes graph similarity to match the vehicle objects from different cameras. We present algorithms for both the online scenario, where only the past images are used to match a vehicle object, and the offline scenario, where a given vehicle object is tracked with past and future images. For offline scenarios, our method achieves an IDF1-score of 0.8166 on the Cityflow dataset, which contains the actual scenes of the city from multiple street cameras. For online scenarios, our method achieves an IDF1-score of 0.75 with an FPS of 14.



  • @erichoang
  • @l3s

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