
Job satisfaction across Europe: differences between and within regions

, and .
Post-Communist Economies, 25 (4): 539-556 (2013) (ISSP).
DOI: 10.1080/14631377.2013.844934


We apply a bottom-up psychological theory which divides factors into work-role inputs and work-role outputs. The results confirm the existing WE–EE gap in job satisfaction. Some factors show stronger effects on job satisfaction in one region than the other. The effects of gender and education proved statistically significant only in WE. Being paid appropriately is the most important work-role output and increases job satisfaction substantially more in Germany, France and the UK than in the rest of the WE region. Learning new things in work has the strongest positive impact in France, while Russia is the only country with a negative impact. The article provides a more detailed map of job satisfaction levels and its main factors across European countries.



  • @gesis_dump

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