Veröffentlichter Bericht einer Hochschule/Institution,

A Formalization of RDF (Applications de la Logique a la semantique du web)

Ecole Polytechnique – Universidad de Chile, (2004)


Draltan Marin, in 2004 a student of the Programmes Masters of the Ecole Polytechnique, France, spent the (austral) winter 2004 at the Computer Science Department of Universidad de Chile doing a Research Internship (Training Agreement 16/03/2004). The topic of this research was: Applications de la Logique `a la s´emantique du web, and was carried out by Draltan during the months of May to July 2004, under the supervision of Claudio Guti´errez (Universidad de Chile) and Gilles Dowek (Ecole Polytechnique). The output of this research was the Report on the Formalization of RDF that follows, which was presented at the Ecole Polytechnique by Draltan Marin in September 2004. It contains a formalization in mathematical (logic) language of the W3C Recommendation of 10 February 2004, RDF Semantics, edited by P. Hayes, including suggestions and corrections. The report circulated among some researchers, but was never published. Visiting Bolzano in May 2006, and discussing missing rules of the RDF Semantics document of the W3C based on this report, Enrico Franconi suggested me to make it public. Thus, following his suggestion, I am making it public as a Technical Report of the Year 2006.



  • @fraktalek

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