
Emerging Technology Li-Fi over Wi-Fi

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International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES), 2 (3): 5-6 (February 2014)


Now a day’s Wi-Fi is the most used technology by everyone, but there is an emerging technology Li-Fi, or light fidelity, refers to visible light communication systems using light from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a medium to deliver networked, mobile, high-speed communication in a similar manner as Wi-Fi. Li-Fi can be used to off-load data from existing Wi-Fi networks to provide capacity for the greater downlink demand as complementary to the existing wireless or wired network infrastructure. Li-Fi could lead to the Internet of Things, which is everything electronic being connected to the internet, with the LED lights on the electronics being used as internet access points.The Li-Fi market is projected to have a compound annual growth rate of 82% from 2013 to 2018 and to be worth over $6 billion per year by 2018. Visible light communications (VLC) signals work by switching bulbs on and off within nanoseconds, which is too quickly to be noticed by the human eye. Although Li-Fi bulbs would have to be kept on to transmit data, the bulbs could be dimmed to the point that they were not visible to humans and yet still functional. The light waves cannot penetrate walls which makes a much shorter range, though more secure from hacking, relative to Wi-Fi. Direct line of sight isn't necessary for Li-Fi to transmit signal and light reflected off of the walls can achieve 70 Mbps. History: Professor Herald Haas, from the University of Edinburgh in the UK, is widely recognized as the original founder of Li-Fi. He coined the term Li-Fi and is Chair of Mobile Communications at the University of Edinburgh and cofounder of pure LiFi. VLC technology was exhibited in 2012 using Li-Fi. By August 2013, data rates of over 1.6 Gbps were demonstrated over a single color LED. In September 2013, a press release said that Li-Fi, or VLC systems in general, do not require line-of-sight conditions. In October 2013, it was reported Chinese manufacturers were working on Li-Fi development kits.



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