
A Higher-Order Function Approach to Evolve Recursive Programs

Genetic Programming Theory and Practice III, volume 9 of Genetic Programming, chapter 7, Springer, Ann Arbor, (12-14 May 2005)


We demonstrate a functional style recursion implementation to evolve recursive programs. This approach re-expresses a recursive program using a non-recursive application of a higher-order function. It divides a program recursion pattern into two parts: the recursion code and the application of the code. With the higher-order functions handling recursion code application, GP effort becomes focused on the generation of recursion code. We employed this method to evolve two recursive programs: strstr C library function and programs that produce the Fibonacci sequence. In both cases, the program space defined by higher-order functions are very easy for GP to find a solution. We have learned about higher-order function selection and fitness assignment through this study. The next step will be to test the approach on applications with open-ended solutions, such as evolutionary design.



  • @brazovayeye

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