
Popular geopolitics and audience dispositions: James Bond and the internet movie database (IMDb)

Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 31 (2): 116--130 (2006)


This paper is concerned with the further theoretical development of popular geopolitics with explicit reference to audience dispositions and reception more generally. Using the James Bond film series, and in particular Die Another Day (2002) and the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), it is contended that political geographers need to better understand how audiences and film fans in particular interpret the popular geopolitics of film. One of the striking features of fans who comment about their interest in James Bond on the IMDb is the degree to which these films invite detailed and devoted readings of plotlines, character development, links to contemporary geopolitics and what might be called 'Bond trivia'. The paper concludes with a call for further investigation into the way in which film is consumed by fans and non--fans alike, alongside inter alia a more detailed appreciation of the role of on--line discussion fora such as the IMDb. ? 2006 The Author. Journal compilation ? Royal Geographical Society (with The Institute of British Geographers) 2006.



  • @iglesia

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