
Hydrocarbons Distribution in Shatt Al-Arab River Bacteria and Fungi

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International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 1 (12): 5-9 (November 2013)


The hydrocarbons in bacteria and fungi of Shatt AlArab River were estimated. The bacteria contained n–alkanes from C13 to C33. While, the n-alkanes in fungi ranged from C13 to C35. The two patterns of carbon atoms numbers of n–alkanes were observed in bacteria, the low molecular weight (<20) with the predominance of C16 to C19 and the high molecular weight (>20) with the predominance of C21, C22, and C24 to C29. In fungi, the carbon atoms numbers of n-alkanes were characterized by the other two patterns, the first in the range C13 to C23 with the predominance of C13, C14, C16 and C19 to C22, and the second in the range >23 with the predominance of C27 to C30. The pristane compound was only revealed in fungi samples. The distribution patterns of carbon atoms numbers of n-alkanes and the carbon preference index (CPI) values of bacteria and fungi suggested the biogenic origin of hydrocarbons.



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