
A Pre Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of STP on Knowledge Regarding Umbilical Cord Blood Banking among Nursing Students at Selected Areas in Jammu



To keep in mind here researcher organized this study to assess the effectiveness of STP on knowledge regarding Umbilical Cord Blood Banking among Nursing Students, so that they can aware people in their future. Statement of the Problem A Pre Experimental study to assess the effectiveness of STP on knowledge regarding Umbilical cord Blood Banking among Nursing Students in Jammu Study Objective 1 To assess the pretest knowledge score on Umbilical cord blood banking among Nursing students 2 .To assess the post test knowledge score on umbilical cord blood banking among Nursing students. 3 To assess the effectiveness of STP on knowledge of umbilical cord blood banking among Nursing students .4 To find out the association between pretest knowledge score of Nursing students and Selected demographic variables. Methodology Pre test post test pre experimental research design. 60 samples were selected by using convenient sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge. Results Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The Paired t test comparison of pre test and post test level of knowledge regarding UCBB. As per the Pre Test knowledge score, it was found that the mean value was 18.5. Whereas as per the Post Test knowledge score, it was found that the mean value was 23.66. The mean difference between the pre test and post test level of knowledge was 5.16. Hence, the research hypothesis is rejected. It shows significant change in knowledge of staff nurses. The study findings revealed that the structured competency teaching program improved the knowledge and practice regarding cardio pulmonary resuscitation among nursing staffs. Preeti Bala | Dr. Prayinka Chaudhary | Miss. Ramanpreet Kaur Ä Pre Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of STP on Knowledge Regarding Umbilical Cord Blood Banking among Nursing Students at Selected Areas in Jammu" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-1 , December 2021, URL: Paper URL:



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