
Development of Smart Trailing Trolley



The shopping trolley was modernized into a smart shopping trolley, from a pushing to a trailing device as an essential gadget useable by shoppers in shopping malls and other customer related procurement centers. The software developed for the modified trolley was written using the C and C programming languages on the Arduino open source integrated development environment. The design was divided into two parts, the electrical and the mechanical sections, respectively. The electrical section comprised of the DC motor with wheel encoder, electronic compass, Arduino uno and Arduino mega, voltage regulators, resistors, cables, capacitors, transistors, electronic buttons, RFID, LED, transmitter and receiver, batteries, and buzzer. The mechanical sections, on the other hand, were made up of sheet metal, aluminum sheet, metallic plates, plastic casing, MPU 6500 gyroscope and accelerometer, and motor drivers. A remote control plotter pad was designed alongside the trolley, with a transmitter and receiver incorporated into both the remote control and the trolley. The device, once activated on the plotter pad, transmits a signal to the trolley, and it subsequently trails the shopper with the remote control acting as a control device. Any obstacle in the path of the trolley will be detected using the HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor. The design ensures that shoppers would spend less time shopping as pushing trolleys would be no more involved, and the anxieties borne out of anticipated stress would be eliminated. The result showed that the ultrasonic sensor enabled the trolley to detect obstacles, the trolley was able to successfully trail the shopper, and the time shoppers spent while shopping was greatly minimized. The study recommends that the designed smart trailing trolley be adopted by all shopping centers and malls to attract customers and boost shopping businesses. Yanshio Emmanuel Terngu | Ali Ummi Ene | Eje Jonathan Ogbor "Development of Smart Trailing Trolley" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-3 , June 2023, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com.com/papers/ijtsrd58583.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com.com/engineering/automotive-engineering/58583/development-of-smart-trailing-trolley/yanshio-emmanuel-terngu


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