
Functional diversity of nematodes

, und .
Applied Soil Ecology, 10 (3): 239-251 (1998)


Nematodes are the most abundant metazoa. Their food specificity, the high number of species and high abundance in every habitat where decomposition takes place indicates that the structure of the nematode community has a high information content. Since nematodes respond rapidly to new resources, and the nematode fauna can be efficiently analyzed, the structure of the nematode community offers an instrument to assess (changes in) the conditions of soils. A functional grouping of nematodes is generally synonymous with allocation into feeding groups. However, soil quality assessment indices based on the presence of all feeding groups still provide insufficient information regarding the functioning of soil ecosystems and their threats. An alternative concept of functional groups is based on the life history of nematodes. In this paper we present the most recent colonizer-persister allocation and the application of this scaling in the Maturity Index, cp-triangles, MI(2-5) and PPI/ MI-ratio. We propose to integrate the life strategy approach and trophic group classification to obtain a better understanding of nematode biodiversity and soil functioning. Attention is given to competitive exclusion and coexistence and we summarize present concepts regarding succession and degradation.



  • @pillo

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