
Habituation of conspecific aggressive responses in the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens)

, and .
Behaviour, 36 (3): 232--245 (1970)


Live male Ss were used as stimuli to study the habituation of aggressive display and biting in conspecific adult males. Of the 3 groups studied, 1 (E-15) received a daily 15-min exposure to the stimulus Ss for 20 consecutive days. Group II (C-15) received this same stimulation for the first and last 2 days of the 20-day test session. Group III (E-60) received the same total amount of stimulation as E-15 over a 5-day period by extending the daily session length to 1 hr. Groups E-15 and E-60 showed habituation of aggressive responses but Group C-15 did not. Biting, and the various components of aggressive display were also found to habituate at different rates. "Between-days persistence of the decrement and the results of the control group rule out interpretation of the results as being due to sensory adaptation or some fatigue process."



  • @toby

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