
Essential Statistical Thermodynamics

volume 677 of ACS Symposium Series, chapter 22, page 402--418. American Chemical Society, Washington, (February 1998)Updated edition at CCCBDB..
DOI: 10.1021/bk-1998-0677.ch022


Some computational methods, particularly ab initio techniques, produce detailed molecular information but no thermodynamic information directly. Further calculations are needed to generate familiar, ideal-gas quantities such as the standard molar entropy (S°), heat capacity (Cp°), and enthalpy change H°(T)-H°(0). This Appendix details the necessary procedures, including worked examples. Thermochemical calculations can be extended to transition states of chemical reactions. Procedures are provided for converting such information into rate constants. Tables are also provided for unit conversions and physical constants.



  • @drmatusek

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