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    If you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have what you need to develop your own iPhone apps. With this book, you'll learn how to use these open source web technologies to design and build apps for both the iPhone and iPod Touch. Buy the print book or ebook or purchase the iPhone App. This book uses the Open Feedback Publishing System (OFPS), an O'Reilly experiment that tries to bridge the gap between private manuscripts and public blogs.Next to every paragraph, there is a link you can use to comment on what you're reading. We are grateful for any feedback you have: questions, comments, suggestions, and corrections are all welcome and appreciated. Now web designers and developers can join the iPhone app party without having to learn Cocoa's Objective-C programming language. It's true: You can write iPhone apps quickly and efficiently using your existing skills with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This book shows you how with lots of detailed examples, step-by-step instructions, and hands-on exercises. Learn how to build iPhone apps with standard web tools Refactor a traditional website into an iPhone web appHook into advanced iPhone features (e.g. accelerometer, geolocation, vibration, and sound) with JavaScriptDo most of your development with the operating system of your choice Learn more and order at the book's catalog page or watch an introductory screencast.
    14 years ago by @kw
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