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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Automatic Video Object Plane Segmentation and Super resolution: A Novel Approach., , , und . IICAI, Seite 2007-2021. IICAI, (2009)New key pre-distribution scheme based on combinatorial design for wireless sensor networks., , und . IET Commun., 13 (7): 892-897 (2019)A Novel Technique for Defeating Virtual Keyboards - Exploiting Insecure Features of Modern Browsers., , und . ACC (2), Volume 191 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 685-692. Springer, (2011)Accelerating randomized image secret sharing with GPU: contrast enhancement and secure reconstruction using progressive and convolutional approaches., , und . Multim. Tools Appl., 83 (15): 43761-43776 (Mai 2024)Secure and efficient protocol for mobile payments., und . ICEC, Volume 342 von ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Seite 25:1-25:10. ACM, (2008)IFrandbox - Client Side Protection from Malicious Injected Iframes., , und . ICISS, Volume 7093 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 383-386. Springer, (2011)An Improved and Secure Visual Secret Sharing (VSS) scheme for Medical Images., und . COMSNETS, Seite 823-828. IEEE, (2019)A New Probabilistic Rekeying Method for Secure Dynamic Groups., und . SECRYPT, Seite 325-330. INSTICC Press, (2008)Light-weight hash algorithms using GRP instruction., und . SIN, Seite 206-211. ACM, (2017)Model Based Hybrid Approach to Prevent SQL Injection Attacks in PHP., , und . InfoSecHiComNet, Volume 7011 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 3-15. Springer, (2011)