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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering: From the guest editors, , , und . Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 6 (2): i-ii (2009)SIS and SIR Epidemic Models Under Virtual Dispersal, , , , und . Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 77 (11): 2004-2034 (2015)Modeling control strategies for concurrent epidemics of seasonal and pandemic H1N1 influenza, , , , , und . Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 8 (1): 141-170 (2011)A deterministic methodology for estimation of parameters in dynamic markov chain models, , , , und . Journal of Biological Systems, 19 (1): 71-100 (2011)Global dynamics of a plant-herbivore model with toxin-determined functional response, , und . SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72 (4): 1002-1020 (2012)Modelling the effect of early detection of Ebola, , , , und . The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 15 (2): 148-149 (2015)A simple epidemiological model for populations in the wild with Allee effects and disease-modified fitness, und . Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 19 (1): 89-130 (2014)The epidemiological impact of rotavirus vaccination programs in the United States and Mexico, und . Springer Netherlands, (2009)Linear character-dependent models with constant time delay in population dynamics. Mathematical Modelling, 9 (11): 821-836 (1987)Towards a Quantitative Science of Sustainability, und . Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 77 (2): 254-258 (2014)