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Pre-Aggregation for Irregular OLAP Hierarchies with the TreeScape System., , и . ICDE Demo Sessions, стр. 1-3. (2001)A wait-free output data structure for GPU-based streaming query processing., , , и . SEBD, стр. 232-239. Curran Associates, Inc., (2015)Towards a Data Consistency Modeling and Testing Framework for MOF Defined Languages, , и . (2003)Temporal Query Languages., и . Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.), Springer, (2018)Transaction Time., и . Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.), Springer, (2018)Bitemporal Interval., и . Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.), Springer, (2018)Time Span., и . Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.), Springer, (2018)Temporal Data Models., и . Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.), Springer, (2018)User-Defined Time., и . Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.), Springer, (2018)SQL-Based Temporal Query Languages., , , и . Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.), Springer, (2018)