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Adaptive Filters: Theory and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, UK, (1998)Markov Chain Monte Carlo Detectors for Channels With Intersymbol Interference, , и . Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 58 (4): 2206-2217 (апреля 2010)Fast Filter Bank (FFB), и . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 39 (5): 316-318 (мая 1992)description of fast filter bank construction.Adaptive filtering in subbands: Design issues and experimental results for acoustic echo cancellation, и . Signal Processing, 61 (3): 213--223 (сентября 1997)Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for CDMA and MIMO communication systems, , и . Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 54 (5): 1896-1909 (мая 2006)Lattice PFBLMS: Fast converging structure for efficient implementation of frequency-domain adaptive filters, и . Signal Processing, 78 (1): 79--89 (октября 1999)An accelerated Gauss-Seidel method for inverse modeling, , и . Signal Processing, 83 (3): 517--529 (марта 2003)