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Satisfaction, Practices, and Influences in Agile Software Development., , , и . EASE, стр. 112-121. ACM, (2018)Politische Partizipation - eSociety anders gedacht., , и . HMD Prax. der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 55 (3): 614-626 (2018)Buchbesprechungen.. HMD Prax. der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 51 (4): 518-520 (2014)eSarine - A Struts-based Webshop for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises., , , и . EMISA, том P-56 из LNI, стр. 13-24. GI, (2004)Adaptable Mixed-Initiative Proof Planning for Educational Interaction., , и . UITP@TPHOLs, том 103 из Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, стр. 105-120. Elsevier, (2003)Collaboration and human factors in software development: Teaching agile methodologies based on industrial insight., и . EDUCON, стр. 1003-1011. IEEE, (2016)Providing Database Migration Tools - A Practicioner's Approach.. VLDB, стр. 635-641. Morgan Kaufmann, (1995)IFC-Filter: Membership function generation for inductive fuzzy classification., , и . Expert Syst. Appl., 42 (21): 8369-8379 (2015)Wie funktioniert die Blockchain?, , и . Blockchain, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, (2020)Measuring Software Delivery Performance Using the Four Key Metrics of DevOps., , , , и . XP, том 419 из Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, стр. 103-119. Springer, (2021)