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Comparative visualization of geometry of a hollow box girder using 3D-LiDAR - Part 1: Cross sectional area., , и . MOBMU, стр. 1-10. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2016)Virtual tutorials, Wikipedia books, and multimedia-based teaching for blended learning support in a course on algorithms and data structures., и . MOBMU, том 9030 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 90300K. SPIE, (2014)Investigation of security relevant aspects of Android eHealthApps: permissions, storage properties and data transmission., , и . MOBMU, стр. 65-75. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2017)Privacy Issues in Mobile Health Applications - Assessment of Current Android Health Apps., , , и . MOBMU, стр. 76-83. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2017)Comparative visualization of the geometry of a hollow box girder using 3D-LiDAR - Part 2: Reconstruction of 3D Geometric Model., , и . MOBMU, стр. 54-64. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2017)Security risk of medical devices in IT networks: the case of an infusion and infusion syringe pump., , , и . MOBMU, том 9411 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 94110I. SPIE, (2015)Enterprise mobility management (EMM): a way to increase the security of mobile devices., и . MOBMU, том 9411 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 94110H. SPIE, (2015)