
Monitoring resource consumptions is fundamental in software engineering, e.g., in validation of quality requirements, performance engineering, or adaptive software systems. However, resource monitoring does not come for free as it typically leads to overhead in the observed program. Minimizing this overhead and increasing the reliability of the monitored data is a major goal in realizing resource monitoring tools. Typically, this is achieved by limiting capabilities, e.g., supported resources, granularity of the monitoring focus, or runtime access to results. Thus, in practice often several approaches must be combined to obtain relevant information. We describe SPASS-meter, a novel resource monitoring approach for Java and Android Apps, which combines these conflicting capabilities with low overhead. SPASS-meter supports a large set of resources, flexible configuration of the monitoring scope even for user-defined semantic units (components), runtime analysis and online access to monitoring results in a platform-independent way. We discuss the concepts of SPASS-meter, its architecture, realization and validation, the latter in terms of case studies and an overhead analysis based on performance experiments with SPASS-meter, OpenCore and Kieker. SPASS-meter provides a detailed view of the runtime resource consumption at reasonable overhead of less than 3% processing power and 0.5% memory consumption in our experiments


Flexible Resource Monitoring of Java Programs - ResearchGate

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  • @eichelbe
  • @niederee
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