Časopis za kulturno i historijsko naslijeđe "Hercegovina" prvi put je objavljen 1981. godine. Izdavači časopisa su bili Muzej Hercegovine Mostar, Arhiv Hercegovine Mostar i Zavod za zaštitu kulturno-historijskog i prirodnog naslijeđa Mostar.
Private colleges in Central America have long been viewed as little more than proprietary schools. But now they have established an accreditation system that they hope will win them respect at home and abroad.
Many private colleges are announcing the lowest percentage increases in tuition in a decade or more. Tuition for the 1997-1998 academic year will rise 4 to 5 per cent at many colleges, far below...
The action of the New York Board of Regents in removing all but one of the trustees of Adelphi University (the new trustees subsequently fired the president) has put a spotlight on the role...
Private colleges in Pennsylvania received good news on two fronts last week, as the state Supreme Court ruled that one private institution did not owe taxes on its college-related property...
Prepaid-tuition plans may be going national. That's the goal of seven private colleges in the South, which are organizing a venture that they hope will usher private colleges into the booming...
Queens College in North Carolina has joined the ranks of private colleges announcing substantial cuts in tuition rates. The college plans to cut tuition for next year's freshmen in the College...
Had a recent decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court gone the other way, the business practices of private colleges and universities would have been altered dramatically.
Wesleyan University is being wooed. The suitors are lenders who are anxious to form an exclusive relationship with the pricey, private liberal-arts university.
For Emory University, this summer's federal budget and tax negotiations were more than just passing political drama. In one paragraph of the nation's tax law, Emory had $1.8-million at stake.
Austerity has ruled at Northeastern University during much of the 1990s. Faced with sharp drops in enrollment, officials cut $60-million from the budget, eliminated 700 jobs, and in three...
Alabama State University said last week that for several months it had been routing state funds to Selma University to help the Baptist-affiliated institution recover from a string of debilitating...
With the closing of Saint Mary's College in North Carolina next year, the number of private two-year colleges will continue to decline. Some thrive in the shrinking niche, successfully raising...
George Washington University has turned over the control of its financially strapped medical center to Universal Health Services Inc., a national health-care company, in exchange for $125-million...
Each time the Johns Hopkins University offers the"Business of Medicine" certificate program on its medical campus in East Baltimore, the classes are oversubscribed. Some doctors living two states...
Applications are down at many of the nation's elite private universities, and some prestigious public institutions are facing sharp declines in applications from minority students.
C. Fleck, and A. Müller. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 8 (1):
101-126(1997)https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-235029. (ALLBUS).
L. Margat, B. Thonon, and L. Tadrist. Compact heat exchangers for the process industries: proceedings of the International Conference on Compact Heat Exhangers for the Process Industries, page 323--329. (1997)