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    The Archivematica project is integrating a number of open source tools and applications to create a comprehensive digital archives system that is compliant with the ISO-OAIS standard and is able to implement media type preservation plans based on an analysis of significant properties. Archivematica is a comprehensive digital preservation system. Archivematica uses a micro-services design pattern to provide an integrated suite of free and open-source tools that allows users to process digital objects from ingest to access in compliance with the ISO-OAIS functional model. Users monitor and control the micro-services via a web-based dashboard. Archivematica uses METS, PREMIS, Dublin Core and other best practice metadata standards. Archivematica implements media type preservation plans based on an analysis of the significant characteristics of file formats.
    12 years ago by @jaj

    a cloud-based Web-publishing platform from the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. The program—commonly called “WordPress for museums” by its users—is a Web edition of the popular Omeka open-source content-management software that lets users create their own digital archives without having to download and code the software themselves. Though modeled on WordPress, the Omeka beta program is designed to store and display archival material—videos, documents, and images—rather than just blog entries.
    12 years ago by @jaj

    DAITSS is digital preservation software application developed by the Florida Center for Library Automation (FCLA). DAITSS is used by the Florida Digital Archive (FDA), a long-term preservation repository service provided by FCLA for the use of the libraries of the eleven publicly-funded universities in Florida. DAITSS provides automated support for the functions of Submission, Ingest, Archival Storage, Access, Withdrawal, and Repository Management. It is architected as a set of RESTful Web Services and micro-services but enforces strict controls to ensure the integrity and authenticity of archived content. It implements active preservation strategies based on format-specific processing including, where necessary, normalization and forward migration. It is particularly well suited for materials in text, document, image, audio and video formats.
    12 years ago by @jaj
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