bookmarks  13


    CoolProp is an open-source, free property database that includes pure fluids, pseudo-pure fluids, and humid air properties. It is designed to be trivially simple to use from the Python programming language, and possible to use from other languages as well.
    12 years ago by @thorade

    This library is written in Modelica. The purpose of this library is to calculate fluid properties from an equation of state (EoS), directly within Modelica and not from an external dll. It supports EoS of the form f=f(T,d) meaning Helmholtz energy as a funtion of temperature and density. In addition to all state properties, this library calculates viscosity, thermal conductivity and surface tension. So far, the fluids n-Butane, R134a and Isobutane are implemented, but not fully validated. The next fluids to be implemented are probably isopentane, propane, ammonia, CO2 and other possible working fluids for Organic-Rankine-Cycles.
    13 years ago by @thorade

    Spring out of the box provides little support for loading property attributes based on environments and/or server contexts. Many projects work around this by creating custom ant builds. With Configleon you can build one war file that can be deployed to every location. Configleon really shines is in it's ability to cascade the property attributes. This allows the common attributes to be defined in a global file and then overridden at the environment and server context. If we consider the development of a web application, it typically starts in a local environment. The application will then be deployed to various environments including dev, qa, test, and production. Within a given environment, you may be deploying the same application to different server contexts. For example, say we are deploying the JMesa example web application to the test environment. But we also have two different versions of the application. One is deployed to and the other is deployed to In this example that same war file can use different properties based on both environment and context. In this example, the environment is test and the server context is jmesa and jmesa2.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Popeye is a tool for the handling of Java (TM) property files for message internationalization ( I18N ). The included editor-component has full UTF support and can handle all translations ( properties files ) from a java resource bundle.
    14 years ago by @dbenz

    Mission The Thermophysical Properties Division provides the best available measurements, theory, computations, and data evaluation for the thermophysical property information required to enable development of standards, enhance productivity, facilitate trade, ensure scientific and technological progress, and improve the quality of life. Overview The Thermophysical Properties Division (TPD) was formed at the beginning of 2008 by a reorganization which separated the old Physical and Chemical Properties Division into two entities with distinct focuses and each housed on one of the two main campuses of NIST. The TPD is a Division of the Material Measurement Laboratory located on the Boulder campus. The Thermophysical Properties Division strives to be the foremost and best source of high quality thermophysical property information. This vision is driven by the ubiquitous importance of this information to commerce, industry, manufacturing, and national policy objectives. The Division meets its challenges through an integrated program of experimental measurement, data collection and evaluation, development of theoretically based models, and simulation of model systems. Among the outputs of the Division are computerized standard reference databases which synthesize thermophysical property information in forms which are conveniently used by our stakeholders. The vast majority of commodity exchanges in chemicals, energy related fluids, and materials are based on physical and chemical properties. In some cases, national and international standards for these properties are needed, such as the AGA-8 equation of state for the properties of natural gas, ASME-IAPWS Properties of Water and Steam, ISO-Standard Equations for refrigerants. Generally these standards are presented in the form of high accuracy equations of state which allow determination of a wide range of thermodynamic properties. Additionally, performance criteria of working fluids, feedstock, chemicals, and cryogenic systems are inextricably linked to thermophysical properties, e.g. density, viscosity, boiling point, phase behavior, heat capacity, stability, etc. Engineering design, optimal operation, and innovation for engines, chemical manufacturing, power generation, heating and air conditioning, distillation, etc. depends critically on knowledge of these properties. Reliable properties data are critical to competitive advantage, sustainability, and innovation. Finally, we note that widespread reliance of industry on properties information, success in setting and achieving national energy, environmental, and security goals often requires an extensive and trustworthy properties information-base. To meet the broad spectrum of needs, only briefly sketched above, the Division’s work is structured along four synergistic themes: * Develop and maintain the measurement capabilities, standard materials and reference data needed to underpin a national system of thermophysical property measurements; * Develop large-scale, readily accessible data resources providing trustworthy property information meeting high priority needs for a broad range of industries and national agendas; * Develop empirical and fundamental predictive capabilities to enable reliable estimation of property values when experimental data are unavailable; Research experimental techniques and address key data-gaps in support of specific, high priority industrial and national initiatives. These themes allow effective response to customer needs and are consistent with the Division’s operating strategy to maintain a highly synergistic research program that includes an appropriate balance of measurement, theory, and predictive models. The combination of the Division’s world class expertise and unrivaled resources in measurement, archiving, and provision of high-quality property data is complemented by its forefront research to develop reliable and highly adaptable methods for estimating property data in cases where measurements are unavailable or extremely difficult and/or costly to obtain. Core Expertise The expertise in the Division is broadly distributed within the fields of thermophysical properties and processes, emphasizing (1) data infrastructure and access; (2) predictive theory and models; and (3) experimental tools and measurements. More specifically, the Division maintains competence in data evaluation and dissemination; property models for industrial use; measurement of thermophysical properties; cryogenic technologies; separation technologies; fuel properties; and properties for environmental chemistry. Key Interactions with Customers Division outputs are routinely used in a variety of industrial, governmental, and academic settings. For instance, through a collaboration with Aspen Technology, evaluated data from the NIST Thermodynamic Data Engine are available to some 60,000 chemical plants world-wide. A consortium of chemical and related companies provides direct input to the data collection and evaluation programs of the Thermodynamic Research Center Group. The NIST REFPROP database was purchased by some 1200 customers in 2008, and all cryogenic flow meters in the U.S. are tied to the Division’s calibration and testing services. The Division houses the editorial offices of the International Journal of Thermophysics (and provides an editor of the Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data) and organizes the triennial Symposium on Thermophysical Properties to maintain connections. Sponsored research in the Division also provides direct links to key customers: work with DOD (primarily the Air Force) is important to our fuels program; DHS funds some of our work on properties and data for explosives; DARPA works with the Division in its micro-cryocooler project; DOE is engaged in our properties work related to advanced power generation and in gas hydrates data. Future Directions and Plans The National challenges related to energy security and monitoring/mitigating anthropogenic climate (or other environmental) changes are reflected in the Division’s plans. The Division recently held workshops on property needs for biofuels and aerospace fuels: alternative fuels and feedstocks will command an increased emphasis in the future.
    14 years ago by @thorade

    NIST Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Database (REFPROP)
    14 years ago by @thorade

    Infochem Computer Services is the leading independent supplier of thermodynamic software and consultancy services to the oil, gas and chemical industries. Infochem's expertise in physical properties can offer clients cost savings and increased profits through: * Early assessment of potential problems such as solid deposition which may lead to formation damage or pipeline blockage * Choice of the best remediation strategy or most efficient maintenance schedule * Optimisation of production * Avoidance of hazards to personnel or equipment due to fluid properties * High fidelity modelling of processes for design, simulation or operator training * Efficient implementation of thermodynamic software in a range of applications.
    14 years ago by @thorade

    PROST is a program for the calculation of the properties of water and steam and their first and second derivatives in SI-units. It is written in ANSI C an can be used with any C compiler. Bounds of validity: The fundamental equation is valid within fluid region of water and 260 K < T < 2500 K 0 < PMIN < p < 3000 MPa PMIN is defined as an external parameter and may be changed. Validity region is restricted by ice-area, specified by sublimation pressure and melting pressure. Equations for these are included in functions psublm, pice1 and pice. Reference: Properties of water and steam according to the fundamental equation for the free energy f(t,d) by L. Haar, J. Gallagher, National Bureau of Standards (NBS), Washington D. C. and G. S. Kell, National Research Council of Canada (NRC).
    15 years ago by @thorade


    SoWat stands for Sodium chloride-Water and is a model (almost an equation of state) for the properties of fluids in the H2O-NaCl system. It has just been published in two parts in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    VMGThermo is a set of software components used for the calculation of thermo-physical properties as well as flash calculations. VMGThermo is a carefully crafted set of application programming interfaces, which can be used to power any application which can benefit from high quality physical properties. VMGThermo includes interfaces for EXCEL, Visual Basic, Delphi, Visual C++, C, C++ and FORTRAN. If you know how to use a spreadsheet, you can use VMGThermo.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    Mixture properties and fluid phase equilibria calculations Simulis Thermodynamics is a thermophysical properties calculation server available as an MS-Excel add-in, a MATLAB toolbox or as a module pluggable in any other software that requires quality thermophysical properties. Objectives Simulis Thermodynamics provides engineers and software developers with an accurate and reliable thermophysical properties calculation server. These calculations can be integrated in any package intended for wider fields of application (equipment sizing, system modeling, etc) in order to ensure the consistency and reliability the data used and of the results. Simulis Thermodynamics is designed to * Provide access to over 300 functions, in particular for calculation of any type of transport properties (specific heat, viscosity,...), of thermodynamic properties (enthalpy, compressibility factor,...) or of phase equilibria (VLE, LLE, VLLE, salt formation,...) on multi components mixtures * Provide access to one of the richest thermodynamic models libraries available on the market (equation of state, activity coefficients...) * Provide access to a property database of 1920 pure components * Enable the engineer to focus on his application and to works with thermophysical properties calculations that are reliable, and validated through intensive usage in industrial applications In support of your thermodynamic expertise, Simulis Thermodynamics will enable you to: * Adjust the best thermodynamic representation of your system. * Perpetuate your expertise with easily created "Property Packages" that include all elements needed for further calculations (pure components properties, models, interaction coefficients,...) * Dispatch these "Property Packages" throughout your organization in order for them to be used in your usual, CAPE-OPEN compliant, software.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    CO-LaN (the CAPE-OPEN Laboratories Network) is a neutral industry and academic association promoting open interface standards in process simulation software. CO-LaN members are committed to making Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) easier, faster and less expensive by achieving complete interoperability of CO compliant commercial CAPE software tools. CO-LaN supports and maintains CAPE-OPEN interface standards.
    16 years ago by @thorade

    TEQUIL, GeoFluids and GeoHeat by John Weare and Nancy Möller
    16 years ago by @thorade
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