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    The Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data is a monthly journal devoted to the publication of experimental data and the evaluation and prediction of property values. It is the only American Chemical Society journal primarily concerned with articles containing experimental data on the physical, thermodynamic, and transport properties of welldefined materials including complex mixtures of known compositions and systems of environmental and biochemical interest. The scope of the Journal now includes thermophysical properties obtained from quantum chemistry, molecular simulation, and molecular mechanics calculations. Acceptable Manuscripts are: Articles, Short Articles, Correlations, and Reviews. These should cover, concisely, substantial work with thoroughness, clarity, and completeness. In addition, Comments, Book Reviews, and Additions and Corrections are published. The decision to both publish a manuscript and the type it will appear as rests solely with the Editor. The Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data ranks in the top 10 in total citations in the category of Chemical Engineering with 9,107 total citations. The journal received an ISI Impact Factor of 2.063.
    15 years ago by @thorade
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