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    1. What is a dependent type 1. ADT -- the simplest dependent-type 2. Singleton types 3. Branding: type proxies 2. Lightweight static capabilities 1. Abstract and Introduction 2. Formalization and proofs 3. Accompanying source code 3. The question of verification 4. Genuine Dependent-type systems This is a joint work with Chung-chieh Shan. We describe several approaches to lightweight dependent-type programming, letting us gain experience with dependent types on existing programming language systems All these lightweight approaches rely on type-level proxies for values, so we can statically express properties (e.g., equality, inequality) of the values that are not generally known until the run time. ``This much is clear: many programmers are already finding practical uses for the approximants to dependent types which mainstream functional languages (especially Haskell) admit, by hook or by crook.''
    13 years ago by @draganigajic
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