
Working group on digital library APIs and possible outcomes


Last year the Digital Library Federation (DLF) formed the “ILS Discovery Interface Task Force“, a working group on APIs for digital libraries. See their agenda and the current draft recommendation (February, 15th) for details [via Panlibus]. I’d like to shortly comment on the essential functions they agreed on at a meeting with major library system (ILS) vendors. Peter Murray summarized the functions as “automated interfaces for offloading records from the ILS, a mechanism for determining the availability of an item, and a scheme for creating persistent links to records.”

On the one hand I welcome if vendors try to agree on (open) standards and service oriented architecture. On the other hand the working group is yet another top-down effort to discuss things that just have to be implemented based on existing Internet standards.

  1. Harvesting: In the library world this is mainly done via OAI-PMH. I’d also consider RSS and Atom. To fetch single records, there is unAPI - which the DLF group does not mention. There is no need for any other harvesting API - missing features (if any) should be integrated into extensions and/or next versions of OAI-PMH and ATOM instead of inventing something new.

  2. Search: There is still good old overblown Z39.50. The near future is (slightly overblown) SRU/SRW and (simple) OpenSearch. There is no need for discussion but for open implementations of SRU (I am still waiting for a full client implementation in Perl). I suppose that next generation search interfaces will be based on SPARQL or other RDF-stuff.

  3. Availability: The announcement says: “This functionality will be implemented through a simple REST interface to be specified by the ILS-DI task group”. Yes, there is definitely a need (in december I wrote about such an API in German). However the main point is not the API but to define what “availability” means. Please focus on this.

  4. Linking: For “Linking in a stable manner to any item in an OPAC in a way that allows services to be invoked on it” (announcement) there is no need to create new APIs. Add and propagate clean URIs for your items and point to your APIs via autodiscovery (HTML link element). That’s all. Really. To query and distribute general links for a given identifier, I created the SeeAlso API which is used more and more in our libraries.

Furthermore the draft contains a section on “Patron functionality” which is going to be based on NCIP and SIP2. Both are dead ends in my point of view. You should better look at projects outside the library world and try to define schemas/ontologies for patrons and patron data (hint: patrons are also called “customer” and “user”). Again: the API itself is not underdefined - it’s the data which we need to agree on.




  • @jplie

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