
I had blogged about sometime back and the advantages bookmarking online as opposed to bookmarking on a browser. Well, this online bookmarking service has added some great new features. I wanted to inform you guys about their "RSS Topic" feature. For those who are not aware "Really Simple Syndication" or RSS refers to the way blogs or web sites to share their current posts, news or headlines via a frequently updated xml file. Now users who are registered with can bookmark RSS feeds, according to groups you frequently visit (e.g., news, web design, etc.). just like other regular bookmarks. A user can have unlimited topics.

If I am not mistaken, this is the first online bookmark manager to provide an RSS bookmark service. This presents greater convenience - you can access your favourite RSS feeds from anywhere in the World with an internet access. Besides, there are several security advantages of using their service for online bookm




  • @zigmasb

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